
Busy Fall season coming up !

It's been a busy year for the Daredevils so far.    Just looking back at 2022 we played 15 shows.    In 2023, by the time it's over, we will have played 28 shows!     Now bear in mind, we are not a…

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The CD is here !!

Wow.  It's been a busy summer already an then after what seems like forever, The CD project is finally done!!   We were able to introduce the album at our gig in Currie MN  (My home town !)   It is 14…

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March is Amazing !

Wow.  After January and February being so quiet March has come in like a lion musically for the Daredevils !    First we were honored to be chosen to open for the Headline band -Mile 12- at MBOTMA's Winter Bluegrass Weekend…

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Exciting News!

Okay, I know it's been a while since I posted here.   We had this little pandemic thing kinda took the wind out of the sails for a little while. but... it's 2022 and we are moving forward with a bunch…

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2020 Vision!

Wow.  The new Year is here already.  It's going to be another exciting year for the Daredevils!    We are heading for the studio (FINALLY !) late in January to record our first CD. Still somewhat fluid but it looks like…

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Playing in Red Wings Living Room

3 years ago, about the time we started this band actually, I made it a goal to play on this stage.   Check another one off the bucket list !!  We played the Central Park Bandshell... what we like to call…

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Minnesota Bluegrass and OT Music Festival

Another Minnesota Bluegrass August Festival is in the books.  This one was the 40th Anniversary, and what a  celebration it was!   I don't even remember how many of these festivals I have been to now but El Rancho Manana feels…

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"From Moville to Red Oak"

Here is video #4 from our night at the Hastings Community TV station in June. 
This one is an instrumental written by Phil Nusbaum called "From Moville to Red Oak".   Hope you enjoy it. 

Thanks for watching!


"She's Not Here"

Here is video #3 from our night at the Hastings Community TV station in June. 
This is the second song written and sung by Brin Peterson called "She's Not Here".   Hope you enjoy it. 

Thanks for watching!


"Minnesota Morning"

Here is video #2 from our night at the Hastings Community TV station in June.  
This one is a Tom Peschges original called "Minnesota Morning".  Hope you enjoy it.

The next one should be up very soon.  Thanks for watching!

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We are very excited to share the first of 4 originals with you.  We recorded the videos last month at the Hastings Community TV station.  The team over there did a fantastic job and we had a great time making…

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